by Susan Sweet

My troubles all started on a little country road in the midwest.

Taking a vacation from my job, I had decided to see some of the more rural parts of our country. I was driving on a single lane road in Oklahoma, some ten miles from the nearest town, when my engine began to make clanking noises and black smoke started to pour out from under the hood.

Though I'm no mechanic, one look under the hood told me I needed major repairs, so I grabbed my jacket and started off in what I hoped was the direction of the nearest town.

I walked about five miles without a single car passing me. It was beginning to get dark and a light rain had started to fall. My jacket was keeping me dry, but my hair, which is light brown and reaches to my shoulders, was plastered to my head.

I was beginning to think about finding shelter for the night when I heard the sound of an engine behind me. I turned around and saw a large recreational vehicle coming toward me on the road, so I started waving my arms. in the hopes they would give me a ride and get me out of the rain.

I was relieved to see the RV slow and pull off the road next to me. It came to a stop, but instead of asking if I wanted a ride, the two girls inside, both of whom seemed to be Chinese, simply stared at me.

I figured they were nervous about picking up a strange man, so I said, "How about a ride? Don't worry, I'm harmless." Which was true enough as I stand five foot seven

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